COVID-19 Impact Notice – Giveably

COVID-19 Impact Notice

COVID-19 Impact Notice

To our awesome, jewelry rocking, planet loving customers,

Like many businesses right now, we're suffering due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Things like postal delays, supply issues and staffing issues are impacting our ability to deliver as quickly as we would like to.

Normally we would expect to deliver US orders within a week. This time frame is still being met for some orders, but it's possible that it might take longer. If you've been waiting for less than 3 weeks then please be patient - we're working to make sure you get your order ASAP. If it's been longer than 3 weeks then by all means get in touch and we'll be happy to follow up in case something else has gone wrong.

We'd like to thank you for your patience and your support at this difficult time. Please know that we are doing are best to serve you.

The team at Giveably wish you and your loved ones all the best. Stay healthy, stay safe and stay supportive of one another. The planet needs it right now, more than ever.

Much love,
Team Giveably

Thankfully our tree planting program is still unaffected by the pandemic and we continue to plant a tree for every dollar spent in store and on Project Planet memberships!